Puzzles are often associated with an activity for "nerds" or logic enthusiasts., but this is a very limited view. In reality, Puzzles are a fun hobby, inclusive And suitable for everyone both children and adults, regardless of age or personal preferences.
Why is this game often associated with nerds?
Nerd culture has always been represented by logic and memory games, played alone or in very small groups, for people who are not very attracted to mass society activities, creating stereotypes that associate nerds with introverted or isolated personalities. Fortunately, over the years, This stereotype is now outdated, as nerd culture has become more inclusive and recognized, and activities like puzzles are now enjoyed by a wide range of people, regardless of social or intellectual inclinations.
What does it mean to do a puzzle?
Doing a puzzle is much more than just “fitting the pieces together”. It is an activity that changes meaning depending on how you experience it.. For some it is pure entertainment, a moment of fun to share with friends or family; for others it is a challenge of logic and concentration. It can be a relaxing pastime, a regenerating break from the frenzy of everyday life.
THE 1000 piece puzzle, 500 and 100 are designed to adapt to the different times, expectations and desires of all enthusiasts.
Stopuzzle is not just about creating puzzles, but builds bridges between talented illustrators from all over the world and creative agencies. Together, we develop unique projects, rich in values, characterized by exceptional quality and a design that stands out from the usual puzzles on the market. Each of our puzzles is created to offer an engaging experience, combining quality, creativity and fun, designed for those who want to go beyond simple play and immerse themselves in a world of unique design and exciting challenges.